Director of CERFA-NRW: 

Dr. Raquel Fiz studied industrial Engineering at the University of León (Spain) and got her PhD in Inorganic and Material Chemistry at the University of Cologne (Germany). Her research focuses on the design and development of novel materials with a strong focus on nanotechnologies and its applications in energy generation, transduction and storage. 



Sub-director of CERFA-NRW:

Adela Calvente Arroyo, PhD estudied Biology at Autónoma University of Madrid and also there she got her doctoral thesis in Cell Biology and Genetics. She has a master in Scientific Journalism by the UNED.





Dr. Elisa García

Head of Press Office and Communication CERFA-NRW



Head Institutional Relations CERFA-NRW 

Marta Giner Torréns studied Business & Management at the University Complutense in Madrid, and Psychology at the UNED University (Spain). Her research focuses on the influence of culture on the emergence and development of prosocial behavior.

Dr. José Gámez, Dr. Cristina Murcia, Dr. Ana Arizaga, Dr. Guillem Aumatell, Dr. Iris Sancho, Dr. Florian Henne, Dr. Natalia Balcázar.


Old Members:


Dr. Tania Romacho Romero studied Biology at the University of Granada,  got her PhD in Pharmacology at the Autónoma University of Madrid, and did her Postdoc at the the German Diabetes Center in Düsseldorf. She was president of the NRW Chapter of the Society of Spanish Researchers in Germany CERFA-NRW in 2015-2016. She stills collaborates in the activities of CERFA_NRW.



Dr. Cristina Murcia Studied Chemistry at the University of Murcia and got her PhD in Inorganic and organometallic chemistry at the university of Bonn. She was the Subdirector of the NRW chapter from 2014-2016. She stills collaborates and participates in the activities of CERFA_NRW.




Dr. Jose Gámez studied chemistry at the Universidad Autónoma in Madrid, got his PhD in the field of Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling and performed his postdocs at the Max Planck Institute for Coal research and RWTH Aachen. He was the director of the NRW chapter from 2014-2015 and president of CERFA from 2015-2017.



Dr. Daniel Escudero did his PhD at the Institute of Physical Chemistry in Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena and his Postdocs at the Max Planck Institute for Coal Research in Mülheim an der Ruhr, and University of Nantes. He was sub-director of CERFA_NRW from 2013-2014.


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