
A Guide to Research Funding in Germany

 III Annual Symposium CERFA

November 7th (2015)

Instituto Cervantes, Rosenstraße 18-19, 10178 Berlin.


10:00 Registration
10:30 Welcome address:

Cristina Conde de Beroldingen, Director of the Cervantes Institute in Berlin

Sergio P. Acebron, President of CERFA

11:00 Lecture I: Funding in the University.

Speaker: Maike Lukowiak (Research Funding Support Service, Freie Universität Berlin)

11:30 Lecture II: BMBF

Speaker: Anja Ruhland (Head of Federal Funding Advisory Service)

12:00 Lecture III: DAAD

Speaker: Marc Reznicek (Director of DAAD-Madrid)

12:30 Lunch break
14:30 Lecture IV: The Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology and its Crowdfunding Program

Speaker: Guillermo Orts-Gil (Science Coordinator – FECYT in Berlin)

15:00 Lecture V: European Office: what we do and how we support institutions and researchers in H2020”

Speaker: Dr. Izaskun Lacunza (International Projects Head of Unit, Spanish European Office)

15:30 Coffee break
16:00 Lecture VI: Applying for Research Projects from the DFG

Speaker: Carlos Alos-Ferrer (Full Professor of Economics (Univ. of Cologne) and Speaker of the DFG-Research Unit “Psychoeconomics”)

16:45 Discussion: Research Funding In Germany

Chairman: Jose de Gea, Vice-President of CERFA



Closing remarks:

Jose de Gea, Vice-President of CERFA


17:45 Assembly of CERFA (Only members)

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Científicos Españoles en la República Federal de Alemania

1 Comment

Diario de un científico en la Embajada: Berlin calling - AECC - Asociación Española de Comunicación Científica | AECC – Asociación Española de Comunicación Científica · diciembre 1, 2015 at 4:59 pm

[…] otro evento, organizado por CERFA con la ayuda de FECYT, ofrecimos a los asistentes información importante […]

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