From Cerfa We applaud the manifesto for science 2017 elaborated by COSCE and express our desire to adhere as association to it:
On April 22nd, various actions will be held around the world to reclaim the attention of society and the political class on the importance of science in today's world and some of the dangers that lurk it.
Science has become an essential part of our society without whose contribution it is unthinkable to maintain and improve the levels of progress, technology, quality of life and knowledge that we have imposed as objectives for the 21st century. Despite this, a global political current is emerging in developed countries that Minusvalora, when it does not ignore, the role of science in our lives with the result of a inexorable deterioration in health and the environment, and a growing contempt for The knowledge that is replaced by interpretations of the alternative reality to which science provides. All this, combined with the inoculation and exaltation of ignorance, generates, on a few occasions, reactions against the freedom of socially fragile groups, thus undermining the deep sense of human dignity.
In the specific context of Spain, we must also add a persistent lack of interest in building coherent and lasting scientific policies by successive governments, justifying that abandonment with the crisis, which has succeeded in breaking the incipient progression That Spanish science had achieved in the first decade of the present century. The damage so far inflicted on the scientific structure will require decades for its recovery, so it is urgent a drastic change of course that must be the result of the collective effort of the whole society, with the scientists at the forefront. We are aware of the difficulties that many sectors of the Spanish population are experiencing and we want to highlight, precisely because of this, the importance of science for the welfare of the country. Consequently, from the Confederation of Scientific Societies of Spain (COSCE) we claim, with the Crue Spanish universities, the following urgent and lasting actions:
¬ The signing of a state pact for science, capable of delinking the science of political swings, promoted by the scientific Collective and signed by the political forces and by many public and private entities want to adhere.
¬ The start-up of a truly independent entity of the administration, responsible for the instruments and resources derived from scientific policies, and managed by experts from the World of science, free from electoral cycles. An entity with an agency structure, homologated in the European Research Council, and endowed with a stable investment fund from the general budgets of the State, with appropriate instruments for the collection of private funds, and a clear commitment to Capturing and retaining young talent.
¬ Integrating science into the political agenda so that those who must make legislative and executive decisions on scientific policies have constant, sufficient and effective scientific information through the incorporation of personal entities or Independent collectives that advise members of the Congress of the deputies who require it, and the components of the executive, from the presidency of the Government to the ministerial structures.
¬ recognition of the prominence and responsibility that science must exert in political management, with the efficiency demanded by the citizens, through the restitution of the Ministry of Science and the institution of an annual plenary in the Congress of Deputies Dedicated to the exclusive science.
These measures must be implemented without delay and their application must be transparent and verifiable. To contribute to this, COSCE launched in 2017 a commission whose purpose is to carry out the monitoring, analysis and control of the level of compliance by politicians and parliamentarians of the commitments acquired and of the scientific policies Essential for the proper development of science and the achievement of its objectives.
Initially sign the manifesto
President and former presidents of COSCE:
Nazario Martín León
Carlos Andras Heranz
Joan Guinovart Cirera
Promoter Societies of the manifesto:
Royal Spanish Society of Chemistry (RSEQ)
Royal Spanish Society of Physics (RSEF)
Royal Spanish Mathematical Society (RSME)
Spanish Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SEBBM)
Spanish Society of Genetics (SEC)
Sign the manifesto for science: