Both the International Symposium “Bridging European Science II” (BES-II) organized by CERFA, ACES and CED on june 2nd, and the Annual Meeting of CERFA celebrated on June 3rd,  were hold at the Embassy of Spain in Berlin (that can be reached by public transport, continue reading for details).

Embassy of Spain in Berlin

Lichtensteinallee 1
10787 Berlin

The Spanish Embassy in Berlin is located in an out-of-the way corner on the southern edge of the Tiergarten right up against the Zoo. How to get to the Spanish Embassy: best bet is to take the 100 bus to the stop at Tiergartenstraße and walk along the road which runs along the edge of the Tiergarten.

logo_sbahn.gifS-Bhf Tiergarten / S-Bhf Zoologischer Garten
logo_bus.gif200 – Corneliusbrücke / 100 – Nordische Botschaften
logo_ubahn.gifU-Bhf Zoologischer Garten

On Saturday, 2nd June there was the possibility to join the Conference Dinner & wine tasting after the Symposium (BESII), which took place at the Berlin Festsaal Kreuzberg  (am Flutgraben 2. Berlin 12435). The festival on that day included the RIBERA WINESOUNDS FESTIVAL, where the dinner and the transportation to the venue were provided free of charge (but only from the Embassy to the dinner location, you should think of the way back to your hotel, so check public transport or plan a taxi with some participants of the symposium).

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