All you wanted to know about the WissZeitVG (and never dared to ask)

Many international researchers land in Germany and are not aware that there is a time limit on how long a researcher can be hired with a non-permanent contract in the public research system, including universities. The total limit time is 12 years. Is that so?

If the calculations were so straight forward, we would have not organized this workshop. Counting of the years on PhD and postdoc can get very complicated taking into account the endless list of diverse situations that happen in the academic world: international experience, elongation due to dependents, third party funding engagement, fellowships instead of contracts… are just a few examples.

To shed light on this important issue, we organize a workshop together with the Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW), the major union representing academics in higher education institutions and research institutes. Andreas Keller, GEW vice-president, and María Chillon, GEW Bavarian state association, will explain the implications of the law that defined the contract of non-permanent researchers in Germany and answer your questions on the matter.

  • This will be an online workshop the 14 September at 17h.
  • The workshop will be in English with 50 limited places.
  • If you are interested, please register here

The workshop is open to all researchers and you can apply now, but until 4th of September, only registration of CERFA members will be processed. After 4th September, we will process the rest. The places are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis within the member or non-member slot.

If you need more information, contact:

The speakers:

Andreas Keller has been GEW president since 2013 and GEW board member in charge of higher education and research since 2007. Furthermore, he has been vice-president of the European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) since 2012. Before he was higher education teacher and researcher at the institute for political science at Marburg University, policy adviser in the German Bundestag, and higher education and research manager at the Berlin Charité University Medicine.


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