The Society of Spanish Scientists in the Federal Republic of Germany (CERFA) was born in 2013 to bring together Spanish researchers residing in Germany through an independent, non-profit association for scientific purposes.

In CERFA Cancer section we have decided to showcase the impactful research on cancer that is being carried out in Spain to foster a fruitful collaboration with the Spanish research community. We have put together an exciting set of speakers that combines established and newly established groups to have a small taste of what cancer research in Spain is right now and what it will become in the future.

We invite you to check the provisional program with all the detailed information of the sessions here: Detailed program

Additionally, We will hold an interactive session where you can present and discuss your work (poster or slides). Don’t miss this opportunity to discuss your project in a relaxed and constructive environment. A few posters will be also selected for flash talks. There is a prize of 600€ voucher to register to a scientific conference of your choice for the best presenter, and 4x vouchers of 50€ for the finalists. Submit your abstract until 5th of May. So don’t miss that chance too!

We hope that you will share our excitement for this event! 

Don’t let this opportunity pass and register for free until 13th of May here:




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